Wish List

You can help Cancer Services by providing items from our “Wish List”
When we receive donations of office supply items we have more funds available to go directly to the assistance of our clients. If you, your business or organization would like to purchase any of the following items to help us, it would be greatly appreciated. All items can be brought to us at 505 E. Perkins Ave. Sandusky, Monday through Friday from 9 am – 3 pm.

Gift cards for Staples, Walmart, or Amazon
Colored & Black Ink for Canon MG4120
8.5 x 11″ White Copy Paper
8.5 x 11″ Colored Copy Paper (pastel colors)
Postage Stamps
5160 Avery Labels
Post-it Notes – All Sizes
13 Gallon Trash Bags or recycling bags
All Free and Clear Pods
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper